Our 1 1/2 year old cavapoo was just diagnosed with a luxating patella, which is basically when the knee pops out of place and causes pain until it's back in place. It's been happening quite frequently over the past week. Our vet thinks we may need to have surgery done to correct the problem. Does anyone have any experience with this?

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Has anyone had this problem or know of anyone who has? Please let us know.
Our 9 month old was diagnosed with dual Luxating Patellas this week. I worked at The OSU vet clinic in college and it was very common in toy breeds. The grooves are just not deep enough to hold the knee caps in place. We are opting to have surgery on Merlot in a few months. At this time we are doing drug therapy (Rimadyl) as needed and trying to keep her from steps (they seem to be the worst). She is active and loves to play and it doesn't seem to stop her. I was alos thinking of joint health supplements.
and if so, does this typically happen when a dog is so young?
From the research I've done, it normally happens/develops in older dogs. I did find a joint supplement and we have kept her off the stairs as much as possible. It is also possible in the younger dogs, that as their growth plates firm, it can stop occurring. Every case is different.


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